About us

Developed by a Guggenheim award-winning violinist/composer Mari Kimura, MUGIC® (Music/User Gesture Interface Control) is a small, versatile and affordable prototype motion sensor that enables you to use your movements to control virtually anything in software. A small electronic gadget, MUGIC® has been used by musicians, dancers, artists, actors on stages around the world. In September 2020 in the middle of the pandemic, the long-awaited MUGIC® became finally available for purchase.

Founder Story
Mari Kimura is at the forefront of violinists who are extending the technical and expressive capabilities of the instrument. As a performer, composer, researcher, and entrepreneur, she has opened up new sonic worlds and new musical possibilities for the violin.
Notably, she has mastered the production of pitches that sound up to an octave below the violin’s lowest string without re-tuning. This technique, which she calls Subharmonics, has earned Mari considerable renown in the concert music world and beyond.
She is also a pioneer in the field of interactive computer music. At the same time, she has earned international acclaim as a soloist and recitalist in both standard and contemporary repertoire. In 2025, Mari was selected as a SEAMUS Award recipient for her significant contributions to Electro-Acoustic Music.